Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer is Ending, but Life is Beginning

A lot of crazy and amazing things happened during the last month I worked in NYC, but it all started out with something not so good. My boyfriend of two years broke up with me, mainly because our paths are going in different directions. I understand, now, why he did this. It's bittersweet but, honestly, I cannot think about settling down anytime soon. My future is way bigger than I thought it would be.

A few days after everything ended, something big started. I was at FAIR and I began researching abortion legislation coverage, which became my primary project the rest of the summer. Working on this piece made me feel, well, important. This is the type of coverage I want to do -- legislation, politics, gender issues -- and I feel so fortunate that I was able research this. I was also able to write a blog post about stay-at-home dad's. Now, I have the ability to write concisely and quickly which is so important in this industry.

Later that week at FOX, I was invited to the Good Day New York meeting where I pitched a segment. The anchors and news director ended up loving the idea, and I spent the rest of the day organizing it. I technically co-produced it! The segment aired a few days later, and I just cannot believe how fast I was able to set everything up. Of course, I was under the supervisor of an amazing segment producer, but I did all of the booking myself. I didn't know that I could do this. I had no idea that I could actually do all of this, in a week. Technically, the worst week and a half of my life knowing that the person I spent all of my college life with wasn't going to sharing in my success with me.

I realized that week, the day after the segment, that I am really so blessed. I firmly believe in God and I have never been able to see Him work in my life like this. Whenever I get really stressed out, I just can forget to prioritize my faith and now I know that I have to because He's the reason why all of this is happening. He is giving me these opportunities and I'm taking them and running -- not looking back at the frustration and self-deprecation that I've put on my shoulders this year.

Finally, everything I've worked for is paying off and I hate to say that I'm okay being single during this time. I found out from reporters that I'm going to have to travel between contracts before I can get a solid job. That scares people. It scares my family a little bit -- knowing that I might not be in the tri-state area for a while, but I have to do what is best for me.

I made life long friendships with the people I've worked with at FAIR and FOX. All of the interns and trainees were just wonderful people -- everyone that I met had a huge heart and great potential. I would be lying to you if I didn't tell you that I teared up and cried saying bye to some of my coworkers. This summer taught me not only about the industry, but about myself. I am so thankful for meeting so many amazing people and for becoming a stronger person.

Thank you, everyone, that worked with me this summer and or read this silly little blog about my experience. Now, News City Living is going ABROAD! I am off to London to study for the semester.

Sorry, I had to take a picture behind the anchor desk! 

So... Until next time, I'm Sara McCloskey!

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